Discover the City's Strategic Plan and Secure Your Legacy

Welcome, Westside residents! We're excited to share the city's transformative strategic plan designed to revitalize the West side of Bartlesville. This initiative is more than just a facelift—it's a chance for you to secure your land, access valuable development grants, and build generational wealth.

Stay informed, get involved, and participate in the positive change in our neighborhood.

Empower Your Future with Us

WCC is YOUR multicultural hub and resource center for all information on the Westside community revitalization plan, resources, grants, and progress updates.

Westside Revitalization Plan

Get involved in community meetings, access resources, and build generational wealth as WCC is the hub to connect to the City of Bartlesville's strategic plan for West Bartlesville.

Empower Future

Bartlesville's multicultural hub for information on the city's strategic revitalization plan for the Westside community. This page details upcoming meetings, key points discussion, resources land ownership, development grants, and generational wealth.

Revitalization Hub & Updates

501 S Bucy Ave

Get Connected

Monthly newsletter and key events that will help you secure your legacy.

Future Empowerment

Multicultural hub and resource center for the city's strategic revitalization plan in the West Bartlesville community.

lets love over community text wall
lets love over community text wall
Upcoming Community Meetings

Details on discussion points and resources for West Bartlesville's community revitalization efforts.

Land Ownership Resources

Access development grants and build generational wealth in the West Bartlesville community.

Monthly Progress Updates

Stay informed with regular updates on West Bartlesville's community revitalization progress.

Development Grants Access

Build generational wealth through development grants in the West Bartlesville community.

Stay Informed!

Reach out to us for details on community meetings and resources.

two person standing on gray tile paving
two person standing on gray tile paving